GIRLS UNDER 10's - Wild Cats
The team was formed following their participation in the FA Wildcats initiative. This is their debut season and their first real game will be played in the under 7 Russel Foster girls league on Saturday 8th September. All games are played at the central venue of Durham FC ground at Belmont
After bringing my daughter along to wildcats on a Sunday morning and watching her and the other girls progress over the past year, I was really keen to get involved in managing the team. I hope to improve the girls’ football skills, give them the confidence to express themselves on the pitch and encourage them to have fun whilst taking part. They have already shown great enthusiasm and commitment to learning and playing football.
Training is on a Monday 5.30 - 6.30 at the Oakleaf Playing Fields and will move indoors for the Winter months to Greenfield Community College , same day, same time ,
Starting Monday 15 October.